Here is a short and simple way of typing a table, instead of the old fashioned draw / insert table command usually taken from the menu. Now for the purpose of creating table you can type a string of “+” and “-” signs. The string starts and ends with the “+” sign and in between we place a series of “-“signs that are required to represent the width of the column and press enter key and it’s done. This creates your one column for the next column or columns after "+" sign continuing with "-" sign upto width of the next column and so on until you finished the desired number of columns.
While you are sick whatever effective medicines you take, unless you have a balanced diet and you don’t have control on the diet you can’t be cured properly. If your eating and drinking habits are not proper, nothing can aid in your fast recovery. The more you are knowledgeable about your diet and put that knowledge into practice in timely intake and not to take of the diet, the more you will be able to keep yourself away from diseases. If you are thoughtful about eating and drinking, it will definitely improve your health. When you fall sick you should in fact be more careful in your diet and you should better seek advice of your physician before eating.But for a dangerous disease, you can cure yourself by balanced diet.
Recommended herein is the diet you should take and not to take in the case of different forms of following ailments.
Eczema, boils, itching and other related skin diseases: Eat spinach, radish, onion, tomato and guava.
Dysentery: Eat yogurt, diluted milk, diluted yogurt and rice.
Fever: Take only light food, orange and avoid fats.
Acidity: Avoid pickle.
Ulcer: Don’t eat lemon, orange and other citrus fruit.
Lever: Eat pomegranate andavoid sugar, biscuits and fats.
Wounds and Boils and other related diseases: Take less salt.
High Blood Pressure and Hypertension: Don’t take salt.
Low Blood Pressure: Take salt.
Catarrh: Don’t take milk, ghee and other fats.
Kidney: Take Melon and watermelon.
Asthma, TB and Cancer: Avoid smoking.
Sciatica: Potato, Rice, Banana, citrus fruit, pickle, tomato and peach are dangerous.
General Weakness and improving digestion: take one glass of orange juice daily.
Diabetes:Don’t take bananas, mangos, dates, guava, sugar and other sweet things. Can eat citrus fruits like damson, pineapple, pomegranate and can also eat raw cabbage.
Drinking half tea-spoon of crushed (ground) Kalonji seeds simmered with one tea-cup of boiled water three or four times in a day continuously at least for two months is found to be very useful for following types of ailments:
Chronic bronchitis, asthma, cough
Common cold
Extraction of mucus from various body organs: nose, lungs, intestines, digestive system, etc.
Weakness of nervous system, brain and forgetfulness.