
Mar 19, 2010

Eating fruit at a workplace increases efficiency and productivity

It has been indicated by medical scientists that eating fruit regularly at a workplace by workers when they are hungry increases their efficiency and productivity. Fruits provide adequate source of energy and nutrition to those workers and officials who have to perform their day to day work at their factories or offices. A research work presented at the American College of Cardiology further indicates that fruits not only diminish the impending danger of diabetics but also increase the resistance of the body of a human being thereby making him more lively, vigorous and smart. Ref. [Urdu daily] Express, Lahore, March 19, 2010.

Eggs keep one away from obesity

Eggs have been included amongst super food by health scientists as the eggs not only play a significant role in maintaining health but are also instrumental in keeping away from obesity. Obesity has incidentally been reported to be one of the primary causes of lever damage in addition to causing other diseases and ailments. One should always eat at least one egg a day so as to get maximum medicinal benefits that one can get from diet. Eggs have been reported to have minimum calories with maximum amount of protein. Eggs contain all the elements that are necessary for maintaining good health.

Apart from that eating eggs may give great benefit to eyes as may lower the risk of developing cataracts. Eggs may also be beneficial to prevent blood clots hence may safeguard against heart attack.

Drinking alcohol and obesity are the sources of causing liver and other diseases

Excessive alcohol drinking and obesity are the sources of damaging the liver. These reports have been published in the British Medical Journal by universities of Oxford and Glasgow in two separate researches. The medical experts have reported that excessive alcoholic drinking is the source of causing liver diseases. Those people who, however, are not used to drinking but are obese (having excessive fat on the body), their liver is also likely to be damaged. (daily Express, Lahore, March 19, 2010).

Excessive and long term use of alcohol may damage almost every organ and system in the body. It may also cause various ailments like cardiovascular diseases, mal-absorption, hypertension cancer and alcoholism. For controlling diseases caused by drinking alcohol it is recommended to refrain totally from drinking. Some health scientists have recommended taking certain low quantity of alcohol for controlling coronary heart diseases. However, it is still reported to be debatable. To be on the safer side one should try not to indulge in drinking.

In addition to causing liver disease, obesity has also been reported to be detrimental to health and causing many body ailments. Such common diseases are heart disease, liver damage, diabetes, breathing difficulties, certain types of cancer and arthritis. For treatment of obesity it is recommended to have diet control, do physical exercise and drinking lemon and grapefruit juice.